Important 50 Computer Shortcuts Keys Used in daily life.

Some Important Computer Shortcuts keys Which is used in Daily Life of computer.

If you are teacher,professor,student or any one related to computer field then this article is very helpful for you because in daily life we use long process to complete work and it is very time consuming.So if you are use computer,laptop in daily life then below given computer shortcuts is very helpful for you.This shortcuts Definitely save your time.
There are many shortcuts in computer to handle but in this article we have given only those shortcuts which is really we use in our daily life.It is very important when we work on computer and other see that how are we handle the computer skill.If you use shortcuts then your impression is on viewer is very good.He/she definitely understand that you have best skill to handle computer.
Total 50 Shortcuts key of computer Given Below To became a keyboard Master.

Some important shortcuts key System
1.CTRL+A              =Select All
2.CTRL+C              =Copy
3.CTRL+V              =Paste
4.CTRL+Z              =Undo
5.CTRL+U              =Underline.
6.CTRL+B              =Bold.
7.CTRL+I               =Italic.
8.CTRL+F              =Find.
10.F2=rename select Objects. also for Reduce sound.
11.F3=find all files.Also For increase the voice.
12.F4=Opens file list drop-down.also for mute the sound
14.F6=Shifts focus in Windows Explorer
15.F11=Reduce brightness
16.F12=Increase the Brightness
17.SHIFT+DRAG=Move File.
18.CTRL+ > =Next Word.
19.CTRL+END=Go to bottom.
20.CTRL+HOME=to top.
21.Ctrl + X =Cut selected text.
22.Ctrl + K Insert link.
23.Ctrl + N =Open new/blank document
24.Ctrl + H =Find and replace options
25.Ctrl + J =Justify paragraph alignment.
26.Ctrl + O =Open options
27.Alt + F4 =Close current open program.
28.Ctrl + F4 Close window in program
29.SHIFT+DELETE =Full wipe delete
30.CTRL+DRAG =Copy File
31.CTRL+ESC= Opens Start menu
32.CTRL+TAB =Move through property tabs.
33.SHIFT+F10= Opens context menu
32.ALT+ENTER= Opens properties dialog
35.ESC = Cancel last function
36.ALT+F4=Quit program
37.CTRL+SHIFT+ >=selects word
38.Alt + E= Edit options in current program
39.Ctrl + Ins= Copy selected item
40.Ctrl + f =Move one word to the left at a time
41.Ctrl + g =Move one word to the right at a time
42.Ctrl + Shift + C =Create a new contact
43.Ctrl + Shift+ J= Create a new journal entry
44.Ctrl + R =Reply to an email
45.Alt + S =Send the email
46.Ctrl + E= Align selected
47.Ctrl + P =Open print dialog box
48.Alt + Tab =Switch between open application
49.Ctrl + Esc=Bring up start menu Button+Ptrscr=Take  a screenshot of screen.

Total 50 Keyboard shortcuts are given which 1 to 25 which is used in daily life.
which is really helpful to save the time and work fast.Use the keyboard to became keyboard master.if you are student of computer related field then it is very important for you.This shortcuts is also one important skill which save your time.When you use the shortcuts viewer easily understand that you have many knowledge about computer and you very carefully handle the computer,and save the time.Your impression on viewer side is very best.
Sometime teachers also not knowledge about shortcuts and therefore it is also very important article for teacher also.every body daily life use computer this shortcuts definitely save your time. 

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