What is Blog,blogger ? What is Blogging ?How to Earn Money from Blogging ?

What is Blog,blogger ? What is Blogging ?How to Earn Money from Blogging ?

Today we will tell you in detail how to make money from blogging, how to earn money from blog, how to earn money by creating a website.
If you talk about making money online from the Internet, then the best way is - Blogging.
Today many people are earning millions of rupees per month sitting at home through blogging. If you also want to earn money from Blogging, then today we will tell you about Blogging in such a simple and easy way, so that you too can earn a lot of money by making your own blog very easily.

What is Blog ?

When we write our knowledge, ideas, and experiences regularly as a website, it is called a blog. Through the blog you can freely write your thoughts and experiences. Blog you can create on any topic. You can make your own blog related to the area you are interested in.

For example, if you are a doctor, you can create a blog on health. If you have mastered cooking good then you can make a blog on cooking. If you are a beautician, you can create your own blog and share your beauty tips with people. That is to say, you can create your own blog on any topic and earn money online from the internet.

By creating a blog where you can share your knowledge, thoughts and experience with people on one hand, by creating a blog, you can also earn money online from the internet sitting at home. Age does not matter for this.
What is Blogging ?

If you have understood about the blog well then there will not be much difficulty in understanding blogging. If you try to understand Blogging in simple and simple words, then we can say that Blogging is to keep the blog maintained. When you create your own blog and write articles on it regularly, we will call this work Blogging.

People usually have two objectives of blogging - 1. Sharing your knowledge, thoughts and experience for free. 2. Make money from your knowledge, thoughts and experiences.

You can have any of these objectives. Overall, we can say that whatever our purpose is, blogging is to work on it.

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Advantages Of Blogging ?

1. The biggest advantage of blogging is that you can do this work sitting at home. You do not need to go anywhere for this. 2. If you do blogging, then there will be no pressure on you. Usually, when we do a job, somewhere in it we are under pressure. Not so in blogging.

3. You can earn as much money as you want from blogging. Many people are earning millions of rupees a month from Blogging, but for this you will have to work hard. Earning lakhs of a month from blogging is not impossible. 4. You do not even need much investment for this. You can even start this work for free. 5. There is no risk in doing this work. There is no risk of sinking your money in it. Meaning in this work, there is no gain, no loss at all.

How to get money from a blog ?
If you are wondering how to get money from a blog then the answer is very simple. Getting money from blogging is very easy. First of all, you have to create an account in Adsense. After this, you will have to give your Bank Account information to Adsense. When you have 100 dollars with Adsense, then Adsense will automatically transfer all this money to your bank account, which you can withdraw at any time. Now you will know how to get money from a blog.

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How to earn money from blogging ?

After the general information related to Blog, Blogging and Website, now we will tell you how to earn money from Blogging, how to earn money from Blog or how to earn money from Website. We are giving you complete information about how to earn money from blogging - Step 1 - Choose a topic for your blog.
This is the first step to create a blog. If you are thinking of making a blog, then first you have to choose the topic of your blog. People often make mistakes when choosing a blog topic. He starts his blog on any topic, due to which he has to face many problems later. Create your blog on a topic that you have interest and knowledge. When you have a good knowledge of that subject, then you will be able to tell that topic more thoroughly. Apart from this, if someone also questions related to that subject, then you will not have any problem in answering. If you want, you can write more than one topic in your blog. Overall it means to say that before making a blog you have to think well on which topic I want to make my blog.

Step 2 - Create your blog on which platform (Blogger Vs WordPress which is better) When you think about which topic I want to make my blog. After that you have to decide on which platform I want to make my blog. Although there are many platforms available to create a blog, but most people use only two platforms. 1. Blogger -
If you want to start in the field of blogging, then this platform will be best for you because it is free. It will not cost you a single penny. This is Google's product so there is no need to doubt it. Talking about the deficiency, it is just that on this you cannot customize your blog too much. Apart from this, there is another drawback that it gets a little less money.
2. Wordpress -
This platform is for those who can invest money initially. In this, you get many options to customize your blog. Apart from this, you do not face much problem in maintaining your blog. You also get more money in this.
In my opinion you should make your own blog on Blogger initially because it is free. When your money starts coming in, you can create your own blog on WordPress.

Step 3 - Choose the correct Domain Name for your blog
Just as your home address is, your blog also has an address, which we call the domain name. Just as someone can access your home from your home address, similarly someone can access your blog directly with the domain name. The domain name is also available for free and you can buy it. If you want to buy domain name then always buy from GoDaddy. Buy domain name always with .com. When buying a domain name, keep in mind that it should be short, simple and easy to remember. Buy a domain with the same name as your blog.

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Step 4 - Buy Hosting for your blog Hosting means a place where you can save all the things of your blog. You also get it both free and paid. If you want free hosting, then you should always use Blogger (blogspot.com) hosting only. If you want paid hosting, then you should buy from HostGator itself. Its service is good. Initially, we will give you this opinion that do not get caught in the money. Use free hosting only. When the money starts coming, take paid hosting. Step - 5 Choose a theme for your blog Use a theme that is Neat and Clean for your blog. The clearer the theme of your blog, the further you will benefit from it. There are also two types of themes - free and paid. In the beginning, you should use the free theme only. You will get many free themes in Blogger. Do not use crack theme at all, otherwise your blog or website may be hacked. When choosing a theme, keep in mind that the theme of your blog should also be responsive. Meaning if someone wants to run your blog on mobile, then he should not have any kind of trouble.

How add Social media plugin or Follow buttons and widges in blogger.Get the code and paste it.
Step 6 - Create the necessary pages for your blog You must create 4 pages in your blog or else you will not be able to earn from your blog. These 4 pages are - 1. About Us - In this, you have to tell briefly about yourself and your blog.

2. Privacy Policy - In this, you have to tell about the privacy policies of your blog. 3. Contact Us - In this, you have to give your contact details so that someone can contact you. 4. Disclaimer - In this, you have to give your disclaimer details. Step 7 - Write a post for your blog Now you can start writing posts on your blog according to your topic. While writing the post, keep in mind that write the post in at least 700 words. Write in simple and easy language so that everyone can understand the information given by you. Do not copy-paste at all.

Step 8 - SEO (Search Engine Optimization) of your blog
SEO means Search Engine Optimization You must have noticed that when you search for something in Google, a lot of blogs or websites are opened. Out of them, we open only 2-3 websites. Let us leave the website below. This means that if your blog or website does not appear in the top three results, then it will not be of any importance. People do SEO (Search Engine Optimization) to bring their blog to top three results. Whose SEO will be good, whose blog or website will come first.
Step 9 - Increase your blog traffic To earn money from your blog, it is important that people come to your blog and read the information given in it. If you write your article well and do SEO well (Search Engine Optimization), then in 2 to 3 months, a lot of people will start coming to your blog. If you want, you can also promote your blog. Apart from this, you can also share the articles of your blog on social media. This will bring more people to your blog. Meaning your blog traffic will increase. The more your blog traffic increases, the more your earnings will be.
Step 10 - Add your blog to Adsense To make money from blogging, you have to connect your blog with Adsense. Only after linking your blog with Adsense, you can earn from your blog. Now you must be wondering what is this Adsense? Adsense is a product of Google which acts as a bridge between you and the advertiser. All the advertisers are there, they do not give all their ad directly to this company named Adsense. This company puts Ad in your blog. Until now you will not join this company, who will give you Ad and till you do not get Ad, then from where will you earn. So you have to connect with Adsense. Hopefully by reading this article, you will have got the answers to your questions that how to earn money from Blogging

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